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Media Accountability and Effective Protest: The Initial Response

March 25, 2013

It seems time now to assess where we’ve come in such a very short time, and to draw together the threads of all the suggestions that have been made before we proceed from here to a website of our own.

First, thanks to all the commentators and all the visitors who have come to this site to see what’s going on and/or to register their support and offer their ideas.

It is clear that everyone who has responded with a comment wants to support or participate in a campaign for media accountability in Australia. No ugly fairies yet.

It is also clear from our commentators that this campaign needs to occur on several fronts.


First, it seems clear and obvious that we need a petition. The two most likely possibilities seem to be either CommunityRun, which is a Getup! Initiative, and/or which is an international organisation which would also suit our purposes.

Does anyone have a clear preference for either of these? If so, could you let us know which, and why? Any other suggestions?

Who should such a petition be addressed to? All Members of Parliament? The offenders themselves? All of the above? Other suggestions, please.

What should the petition ask for? Sensible legislation? Again, let us know what you think.


It is also clear that we need a new website for our enterprise. Reading through the comments, it seems that this new site could perform a range of functions.

It has been suggested that a good title for the new site (and for us) might be Fair Media. What do you think? Any other suggestions? Fair Media Alliance, perhaps?

It could act as a clearing-house for any and everyone who wants to access or disseminate information relevant to the issue of Media Accountability.

We could have a links page with short descriptions of the different sites so that people can quickly and easily find compatible websites and blogs – a sort of instant-link registry.

We could have a graphics page for downloadable cartoons, photos and other materials like thefinnegan’s wonderful ‘gift-boxed’ statistics. (We’d have to ask them if they mind, of course.)

We could have a video page for people to post videos that could be used by other groups or individuals.

We could have guest writers. It seems clear that there are some passionate, hugely informed people already among us – no doubt others will come to our attention.

We could have a breaking news page. Today, for instance I received an email from Getup! with a new petition re John Laws, who has been perfectly despicable about sexual abuse against children. Also this evening, I happened to catch an ad on Channel Nine about the news headlines for this evening – it referred to ‘Julia’ swearing in her new cabinet. (Need I point out that ‘Tony’ would never be referred to in this way.) We could post all sorts of headline news – little and big, as it happens. Often the ‘little‘ things can be the most telling. (This idea didn’t come from the commentators, but I’ve thrown it into the mix anyway. What do you think?)

We could have a correspondence page where people could post copies of any comments they have posted on other sites, especially any that refer or relate directly to us, and letters or emails they have sent, etc.

We could also have a reject page where we can post copies of comments sent to Murdoch, Fairfax, ABC etc which didn’t get published.


We could have an action page where people could leave messages about actions they have taken or propose to take. There is, for instance, the suggestion of downloading and printing off cartoons, photos, or facts and figures like the ones on thefinnegans, to be left all over the place – notice boards, trains etc. Great scope for individual action.

We could have a boycott page where people could go to learn about which companies are advertising with the most obnoxious media offenders, and so take individual boycotting action, organise letters and emails, leave info, support each other and so on. (We have some keen supporters of boycott action. Again, great scope for individual action.)

Perhaps some small, targeted protests? These could feed into local newspapers.

Targeted email campaigns. The Independents, the Press Council etc., presenters of current affairs programmes with questions we want asked. Any suggestions?

Letters to the Editor – local newspapers

Can the unions help us? The printers? The transporters? Even journalists? How could we go about this?

Some Random Notes and Concerns

Our visitors have fallen off in the last 24 hours, which is only to be expected, so it would help us tremendously if we could put in a plug for ourselves whenever we leave a comment about media accountability on other websites. Stick in the link – after all, that’s the very simple action that’s got us to where we are now. (Which isn’t very far, but a long way from nowhere, which is where we were as recently as Saturday.)

I believe that, at least to start with, we shouldn’t worry about money. For instance, I’m quite happy as an individual to pay the $18 a year to open a .com site rather than the free wordpress option – a bit of class, and dead cheap. As an individual, I’ll also be delighted to print off \the finnegans stats, or any wonderful photos or cartoons etc. and leave them lying about. I’ll also give my free time gladly. We might even make a conscious decision to operate the whole sheboodle unfunded. Who knows? Let’s know what you think.

At this stage, we can only make decisions by ‘straw poll’, so if you have an opinion on anything at all, let’s hear it. Later on, we may achieve the sophistication to have some kind of actual voting – who knows?

There is going to be a sturdy group of mostly older people who either don’t have the knowhow to operate the new media, or just feel too tired or unwell for active service. We need to include people like these – give them a chance to put their names to things, get them on mailing lists and so on – at the very least. Let’s create opportunities for ordinary folk, let’s support them to make a difference without them having to get themselves into a twist about it.

One big worry

Media Accountability is not synonymous with getting the Labor Party re-elected and sticking it to Tony Abbott – it goes far deeper and much further than that. It goes right to the core of our culture and our collective future in a way that no particular government can do. At this moment in our history, it is easy to confuse these two issues, but they are not the same. They may not be separate, but they are distinct.. Yes, the Labor-led government has been the most obvious victim of the horrible lies, the twisting and spinning, the manipulations, and the failure to report important news items. But there are other victims, too. The petition against John Laws which has just been launched by Getup! is a case in point – this petition isn’t about Julia Gillard, but about children who have been sexually abused by adults, and about the appalling way John Laws has spoken about them.

So let’s be very clear about this. Media Accountability is what we’re about here. We’re here to do our darnedest for all the victims of Media Unaccountability – and that includes Julia Gillard and her government; the children who are victims of adult sexual assault and who have been so ill-used by John Laws; all of us who are concerned about climate change, and the vast Australian public that is being lied to and manipulated like so many puppets in so many ways on so many issues. The list could go on and on – the National Broadband Network is in grave danger, for instance. And of course, this is a planetary issue – it’s not just about us Aussies. So please, let’s not conflate these issues here.

Let’s get focussed on this issue, Media Accountablility, here, whatever we might choose as individuals to do elsewhere.


The clock on this webpage is a bit weird – maybe it’s on UK time? However, we had about 120 visitors during the first 24 hours, 400 in the second, and so far 260 in the third.

Agenda for the next few days

I need to get on with opening the new website. Before I can do that, though, I need to know what to call it, so if you don’t like Fair Media, could you let us know? Any other super suggestions?

I’ll open the new site tomorrow, so let’s have your responses today.

Start following up on some of the other contacts people have suggested – Newstand, Australians for Honest Politics etc., etc.

Seek advice about the layout and inner workings of the new website.

Follow up on the intriguing question of how Obama used social media to get himself elected.


I haven’t named names here, when referring to the various ideas that have been put forward. Quite honestly, I don’t have the leisure to check back over ‘who said what’ – it was all happening too fast for a while there! But you know who you are, and your comments are here for everyone to see. I must apologise for any wonderful ideas I’ve overlooked – please point them out to me so I can rectify my errors in the next post. My apologies also to the most recent commentators who have had only brief responses from me.

Many thanks to all of you. So let’s do this.

Kate Ahearne

From → Media, Uncategorized

  1. Judiloo permalink

    Kate what a wonderful job you are doing as too are the contributions and suggestions from many well informed people.
    For myself, I look a lot but don’t comment too much. Privately I let friends know of what is happening out there in the so called unbiased media.
    My skills on a computer are very much of the basic nature, however I know enough to be able to sign petitions. I will leave the preference of which organisation to go with on this to the more informed people.
    I would rather like the website to be called Fair Media – it’s simple and speaks volumes.

    • Thanks for the fulsome support, Judiloo. You’re just the sort of person we’re looking for – I’ll bet we’ll need plenty of signatures on things!
      And thanks for your vote for Fair Media. Talking to other people is probably the most powerful tool in the box, so good for you.

      I’ll send out an email to all our commentators as soon as the new site is open for business.


  2. ridgiesrule permalink

    I also like Fair Media – it is short and to the point.

    I am more than happy to send out emails, help with updating the website, etc.

    The current media in this country are disgusting and need to be called to account.

    • Hello ridgiesrule,

      Thanks for your support. I guess we’ll need a page on the new website where we can list volunteers with their contacts and jobs they’re willing to do.

      And thanks for your vote for Fair Media – it’s simple and unequivocal.


  3. mark delmege permalink

    Don’t use Getup its a Soros front group and the sort or organ used by USofA colour codes revolutions elsewhere.

    • Thanks Mark,

      I’m not quite sure if I understand your message. Could you elaborate a bit? What’s Soros? And what do you mean by ‘colour codes revolutions’? I’m afraid that I’m on a steep learning curve. Please feel free to assume that I know nothing.


  4. Hi Kate, I noticed that cornlegend posted links to my site yesterday, and I wanted to say that I think what you are doing is great 😀

    I have written both poems and articles on this very subject, including my latest (“Are Australians the new whinging POMMs?”) and have stated repeatedly that something needs to be done .

    I will put a link to your site on my blog roll, and will do the same when your new site is up and running.

    You are also welcome to post a comment on my blog with a link to any new posts 😀

    Good luck and keep up the good work 😎

    Cheers 😀

  5. BTW I also like Fair Media 😎

    Cheers 😀

    • Good to hear from you, truthseeker, and thanks for the links.

      It’ll be great to ‘do business’ together.


      • Kate, I have already recommended your site in one of my reply comments, and the link is up on my blog roll 😀

        Glad to help 😎

        Cheers 😀

  6. 2353 permalink

    Hi Kate,

    “” is already taken, and “” goes to a domain name lease site. Before settling on the name – find out if it is available.

    You are preforming a great service.

    • Thanks mcziel2,
      We needed to know that! Could we have .co or .au or something else?
      Meanwhile, what about Fair Media Alliance? Could you or somebody else check that for us?

  7. sulphurcrested permalink

    ABC have put up a have-your-say in what policy/election issues matter to you.
    Here is the link

    • Thanks again, sulphur-crested. I really had no idea what Mark was referring to – so for the sake of others like me, sulphurcrested’s link will take you to Wikipedia and a reference about the colour revolutions. Still not sure about Soros.


  8. Kate, I just checked, and australianfairmedia is available at wordpress and as a .com.

    Cheers 😀

    • Great cornlegend. I think we should snaffle it. If anyone wants to disagree, please get your comment here before 8 am tomorrow – otherwise I’ll go ahead and nab

      Thanks a million.


  9. That should read australianfairmedia 😳

    Cheers 😀

    • kate, ignore my last comment, my glasses were dirty and I couldn’t see the “r” in the first one 😳 😳

  10. sulphurcrested permalink

    Just came across this site,
    Some inspiration there and seems like this site, but focussed on reelecting Julia (yay).
    That and honest accountable media dovetail, of course.

    Here’s wikipedia on George Soros

    There is some talk about him and conspiracy theories but at first glance it seems the right wing don’t like him, which is a gold star offense in my book.
    But I could be wrong, would take some sifting through the available stuff on him, not necessarily a good use of time. Someone might know already.
    I don’t know what the above poster who warned against Get Up meant saying to steer clear of Get Up b/c of Soros and colour revolutions. Maybe he/she could enlighten us. Maybe it was a troll.

    I like the name.
    I don’t have an opinion on or GetUp, don’t now enough about them or the effectiveness of each.
    I do like the idea of global, there are plenty of people in the world who have had more than an overdose of Murdoch’s control over so much and so many.

    Time for the Volution!

    • Thanks for this, sulphurcrested. I’ll get on to your links before I come back on deck in the morning. Let’s hope that someone will come forward and give us the ‘gen’ on Soros etc. A troll? Wow! I’ve heard of them, of course, but I’m afraid I’m such an innocent in the big wide web world that such an idea never occurred to me – in any case, if there is only one voice in dissent, and that voice is not really giving us cogent reasons for his/her dissent, I guess we just have to set it aside.

      Keep up the great work – you’re a mine of information and ideas.


  11. Kate, I just checked and fairmediaalliance is available too through wordpress and also as a .com

    so you can take your pick 😀

    Cheers 😀

    • Thanks Truth Seeker,

      I kind of like this one. I like the ‘alliance’ angle, although there might be a better word to convey the same idea. I also like the ‘Australian’ bit, but if we go for the whole thing, we’ll dilute the message, perhaps? Australianfairmediaalliance is quite a mouthfull. Also, it loses the international aspect – and this is defintitely an international issue. Let’s throw it open to our comentators, but in the morning, I think I’d better secure a site, come what may. Please express your preference if you’re still awake.

      Meanwhile I’ve been looking at wordpress free themes – any ideas? I’m boggled. What we need is a site that will accommodate several pages for various activities, a links register, and all the other stuff that people are suggesting, and which I have tried to address in this morning’s post. If anyone who is local to me, (Rye, Victoria) can help and would like to get on the phone at a local call rate, please declare yourself, and I’ll email my phone number.

      Thanks again. You are such an inspiration, Truth Seeker.


      • Kate, most of the free sites are fine, and there are plenty of themes to chose from.

        I went through the same thing when I set up my site, so it’s really just a matter of what you think suits.

        As far as the links are concerned, you can just set up a blog roll like mine so that whenever you click to follow a site, the link appears in your blog roll so that you don’t need a separate page, and they are available on every page for anyone that wants them. I find quite a few of the links on mine get hits. 😀

        As far as the name is concerned, “fairmediaalliance” has a more international flavour, but I quite like “australianfairmediaalliance”. either works for me 😀

        Also you don’t have to pay for a .com name, although I own a couple myself, I went for the which is free, and my site gets hits from all over the world, and seems easy enough to find via the main search engines.

        Anyway Kate just a few things to think about 😀

        Cheers 😀

      • Thanks once again, Truth Seeker,

        You’re a bloody marvel.

        So, would you mind telling me which theme you are using? Do you think it would suit us? I’m guessing/hoping that you’ve read today’s post, and/or all the comments, so you know what the requirements are starting to look like. I went to your site, but briefly – not thinking about themes.

        As for the .com thing, I believe it costs a measly $18 a year – the least I can do, although I’m on a seriously restricted income. Would it be better for us if I went with wordpress, which is free, and payed for the theme?

        I need guidance, and we need a quick decision so we can get off this private site onto our very own internet home.


  12. cornlegend permalink

    Getup are ok.
    A bunch of like minded people, on issues.
    Won’t get too far off the middle of the road path though.
    Never seem too interested in the grubbier issues, ie, Slipper, Brough, Parenting Allowance cuts.
    no conspiracy there.

    • Thank you, cornlegend,

      Your energies are legendary by now. So, do you have a preference? Are we ‘off’ the middle of the road? I’m starting to lean towards anyway, just going on responses here and elsewhere. Mind you, they might both dislike us – it could happen! So I’m thinking that we should approach first, purely on the internation angle, and Getup! if we don’t get anywhere with Neither of these organisations is going to want to endorse a campaign by a bunch of weirdos, so we need to present ourselves as the truly rationally, outraged folk that we are.

      I’m actually a member of Getup! I’m glad to receive their emails, and often glad to write to my local member etc., depending on the particular campaign. Communityrun would be the Getup! arm that we want, as I understand it.


      What I need now is any help I can get with choosing a wordpress theme for the website – that’ll be my job for tomorrow. I’ll bags a site – that’ll be OK, but we need a free wordpress theme, and I’ve got no idea. Any ideas gratefully accepted.

      Thanks again, Kate

  13. Kate, I have just had a quick look through some themes, and I have listed six free ones that might be suitable, my thought is something simple and fairly elegant, 😀

    Monochrome simple and effective

    Fusion pretty good

    Elegant Grunge not bad

    Grisaille Looks good

    Choco a bit unusual but might work

    Titan Not bad

    I am also on a very tight budget, and that’s why I went with and a free theme , as if you want to use videos, you do have to upgrade, so I would go for the free site and name and use what funds available for any upgrade that you might need.

    You can change the themes later if you set one up and then decide you don’t like it, or find one you like more.

    I can’t remember off hand what my theme is called, but a few have used it, and I can let you know if you think it would work 😀

    I hope this might be of help 😀

    Cheers 😀

    • Truth Seeker, you’re a wonder. I’ll look at these this morning, and just choose one and DO IT! But I’ll go to your site and have a good look at it to see how you arrange things. I really appreciate your effort – it feels like I’m re-inventing the wheel sometimes because my ignorance of these matters is profound.

      Thanks again.


      PS. You’ll notice that cornlegend gives you a big rap.

      • Kate, good luck with it and don’t stress, just try things when you get into the dashboard, and use wordpress help if you’re not sure of something.

        Adding widgets and background colours make a difference , but just try a few combinations, and I’m sure you’ll get it sorted.

        I’m in and out a bit today, but i’ll check in when I get a chance 😀

        Cheers 😀

  14. cornlegend permalink

    Kate I have to go to Queensland for the day tomorrow.
    Think truthseeker would be good in the setup stage and even naming.
    He has a talent with words,very creative, his imput would be way better than mine.
    I’m more the one,the soldier in the frontline ready for battle.
    Everything is in good hands with you two[ if Truthy]has the time.
    BUT, don’t underestimate your own abilities.
    This was a thought bubble on Sunday [?]
    You have done really well, inspired people, and are in the process of providing a voice for change.
    I think all in all , you should be very proud of yourself.
    you have already contributed well.
    I have read the comments.
    people warm to you.
    Fresh ideas from your generation, can help win this.
    I’m one of the old Dinosaurs.
    I’m in Kate.
    Will be in touch when I get back tomorrow night.
    Keep up the good fight, and don’t forget, things may seem to get a bit rocky,but with the support of all those who have already posted things can only go

    • We’ll miss you today, cornlegend. Thanks for all the trouble you have taken. We might have to appoint you Minister for Morale. You’ll notice that Truth Seeker has come up trumps. I’ll get onto the website business this morning and let everyone know when it’s ready to roll.

      Happy Day,


  15. Every word in this piece of work is very clear and your passion for this topic shines. Please continue your work in this area and I hope to see more from you in the future. sac michael kors

    • I’m sorry, Sac Michael. Your comment found its way to the spam box – I only noticed it by chance. In case you haven’t already guessed, I’m new at this! Thanks for your lovely remarks.



      • Kate, sadly I get a lot of these types of comments, and they get caught up in the spam filter because most of them are spam.
        The tell tale sign is that they make general comments that seem complimentary, but if they don’t mention specifics about the post, the chances are that they have not read it or don’t care about it, they are only about getting promotion for their products through your site.

        I have had many spam comments, and only one that I have come across was genuine.

        Where they are not obviously spam, wordpress will give you a preview by hovering your pointer over the web address, or you can click on it to see what they are about.
        If they are selling something, even if the comment seems complimentary, trash it. 😀

        Occasionally a blog will get caught up in the spam filter, and that was the one that I had that I approved, the rest are spam.

        Hope that helps 😀

        Cheers 😀

      • Hi Truth Seeker,

        Do you think I have been naive? Has this handbag monsieur ‘netted’ us or, dare I say it, ‘trolled’ us in some way? Anyway, I’m in the middle of composing an email to you and cornlegend which is bemoaning my horrible day with wordpress and throwing myself at your mercy.

        But I’m an early-to-bed bird, so I’ll have to get cracking again in the morning. Past my best-by date.


  16. sulphurcrested permalink

    Have just seen a comment left on another indie sit by “mark delmege” (the Soros, colour revolution comment re GetUp above). Strongly suspect, he’s a right wing troll.

    • Hi sulphurcrested. Thanks for the headsup. Was it you who was a bit sus about Mark a day or two ago? Anyway, we’re on the alert about him now – let’s hope he’s not a troll, but just an ordinary human being with particular views.
      By the way everybody, our ‘hits’ were down a little in the last 24 hours. From 270 to 255. No doubt the visitors will settle further before we can expect to make steady gains in the long term.


  17. sulphurcrested permalink

    Nice comment from the frenchman above…I put the first couple of para’s on the site he linked into Google translate and got:

    “There is no doubt that each person can give fashion michael kors bag its own definition. In some cases, this is not a good thing! Michael kors bags are always a matter of taste, and here we will look at where you can get your hands on cheap michael kors bags.

    However, a handbag if chosen correctly can complete the image of a woman at all. Unfortunately, the price of michael kors bags is usually beyond the reach of ordinary people. No wonder, it is universally recognized that these bags are only for the rich and famous! But is there an alternative to spending hundreds of dollars?…”

    • Hey, sulphurcrested. Your command of le Francais is wonderful. Yes, I followed the link too, but my schoolgirl francais wasn’t quite up to yours, or to the task. Never mind, handbag monsieurs are as entitled to their convictions as we all are. Well done him and well done you.

      I hope we can get rid of the automatic spam-sniffer-robot on the new site – way better if we humans can be the ones who decide what’s spam and what’s not.

      I’m having some trouble getting the new site up and running – wordpress seems to experiencing some ‘issues’ today. I have snaffled a site, but it’s not the best option – australianfairmediaalliance.wordpress. But if all else fails, we do have this one.

      Thanks for your patience in keeping with it – this is likely to be a thorny path, but hey! There are roses, and we all have noses for sniffing them with.


  18. sulphurcrested permalink

    Yes Kate, it was me who thought mark delmege might be suss.
    If I find things that alter that view I will post it.

    • Thanks sulphurcrested,

      I looked him up on Google, but funnily enough, his name seems to be inconveniently common. However, I think he might be a person who has been leaving comments on IA and a couple of other places.

      Anyway, let’s not get paranoid about each other – if a person is talking sense, let’s listen to it. If they’re not, let’s not listen. This is what matters for us.

      Love your work,


  19. sulphurcrested permalink

    A very good article and ideas from Margo Kingston on media accountability/legislation

    Can the cross bench deliver citizens accountability from newspapers?

    • Yes, sulphurcrested. We’re seeing so many excellent writers in the alternative press. I haven’t seen this article myself yet – horror day, but this is what the ‘clearing house’ idea is all about. No doubt, some of our visitors will thank you for the link. You only need one or two. That’s what seeds are all about. Thanks again,


  20. Hey Kate, I dont think it’s about being naive, as I have been tempted to allow some comments like that one myself, but as I said, I have had many like that one, and they are all very similar in their approach, so I have made a rule for myself that I don’t want my site to be a platform for those that would take advantage of it for their own on line business.
    And after reading many of them, there are commonalities in their comments.
    Predominantly not mentioning any specifics about the post.
    These aren’t trolls, they are spam, and I would not advise trying to turn off the spam filter, as it is much easier to check the spam filter, and apologise to the one or two that get caught up than to keep having to go through and delete the plethora that appear unhindered.

    Anyway Kate, I will look forward to your email, and hope that I can help. 😀

    Cheers 😀

    • Hi Truth Seeker,

      I thought I might as well post the body of the email here.


      This morning Truth Seeker came up trumps with 6 themes for the new website, which I looked at. It was a no-brainer because Grisaille was the only one that seems to be currently supported.
      I then attempted to register with wordpress. I tried for, because the fairmedia options, which people seemed to favour, had already been taken. At this stage, both and were available. I went for the .com option, because I wanted that little bit of cheap class, $18 per annum, but struck a problem on the payment page – it was not functioning! Grr! I then registered, with difficulty, my problem with wordpress. Meanwhile, had become ‘unavailable’. I complained to wordpress and told them our preferred options, in order. Eventually I was promised, via email, that they were looking into it. Nothing since then.
      Meanwhile, I managed to snaffle australianfairmediaalliance.wordpress. So that’s ours. However, I’m striking similar problems to those outlined above – pages refusing to turn over… Grr again.
      Thursday morning
      The internet connection here went haywire this morning and I had to restart my computer, which meant I lost the set-up page for Australianfairmediaalliance.worpress, which wasn’t working anyway!
      Meanwhile I have received this message from wordpress. Makes no sense to me.

      to the topic “New Blog Registration process not working”:
      @kateahearne: the domain name “” is available for purchase. Please follow the steps here to add this domain to your site – make sure you’re in the dashboard of the site you want to use this custom domain before you proceed:
      Let us know if you still have trouble with your purchase.
      To begin with, there are no ‘steps here’, and then even if there were, how can I be in the dashboard of a site I don’t have? Or could I go to the one I have registered, and whose set-up I have not been able to complete, and change it’s name? Grr again.
      I’ve got a few things that have to be done this morning, so I’ll come back to this shemozzle this afternoon.

      • Hi Kate, from what you described, I think most of what you want to do should be able to be done through “settings” and “manage my blogs”.
        I just had a quick look and there are options for changing your site name and address in there. 😀

        Let us know how it’s going, I’ll be busy this afternoon, but will check in when I can. 😀

        Cheers 😎

      • Thanks Truth Seeker. I’ve been busy myself today, but I really want to be up and running by the end of the day. So do you mean that you think I can do it from this site?

        I’ll let you know how I get on.


  21. Tinfoilhatter permalink

    Like the fair media names. Need a byline though…. un-spin / un-spinning the news? Looking forward to getting on board.

  22. cornlegend permalink

    Another list of Abbotts classics.
    More reason for fair media.
    Time this bloke was portrayed truthfully by MSM [which will never happen !!]
    Qoutes from the fool
    …Whyalla will be wiped off the map by Julia Gillard’s carbon tax. Whyalla risks becoming a ghost town, an economic wasteland, if this carbon tax goes ahead and that’s true not just of Whyalla, it’s also true of Port Pirie, it’s true of Gladstone, it’s true of communities in the Hunter Valley and the Illawarra in New South Wales, it’s true of Kwinana in Western Australia, it’s true of the La Trobe Valley, Portland, places like that in Victoria. There’s not a state and there’s hardly a region in this country that wouldn’t have major communities devastated by a carbon tax if this goes ahead…
    Source: Tony Abbott – Liberal Party website – April 27, 2011
    I say to Julia Gillard, what have you got against the people of Gladstone? Why are you trying to close down Gladstone with your mining tax and your carbon tax?

    The government’s emissions trading scheme is the perfect political response to the public’s fears. It’s a plausible means to limit carbon emissions that doesn’t impose any obvious costs on voters.
    Tony Abbott – 7.30 Report, May 18, 2010
    Well, again Kerry, I know politicians are gonna be judged on everything they say, but sometimes, in the heat of discussion, you go a little bit further than you would if it was an absolutely calm, considered, prepared, scripted remark, which is one of the reasons why the statements that need to be taken absolutely as gospel truth is those carefully prepared scripted remarks
    Well, we will have policy. We must have policy. We in fact do have policy ready to go. But the first job of the Opposition is to hold the Government to account. Then once people have decided that they think the Government doesn’t deserve to be re-elected they look at us and say, ‘well, are these guys going to be a credible alternative, are they going to make a positive difference.’ and so it is a two stage process. But the first stage is making the Government look bad.

    Tony Abbott – at least he knows and admits he’s an embarrassment
    I can’t promise that I won’t continue to embarrass people.

    Tony Abbott claims he will leave the country if he loses the election
    If I don’t win this election I’ll have to leave the country.
    Source: Adelaide Now – February 1, 2013
    Tony Abbott and making departures from principle – it’s okay to break promises.
    In an interview in March, 2010, Tony Abbott was asked a question about his broken promise of no new taxes. Tony Abbott replies:
    But sometimes, for very important reasons, for very good reasons, you have to make departures from principle.
    Source: Tony Abbott Interview – March, 2010
    In other words, it’s okay to break promises
    Tony Abbott – we should be grateful for mining companies
    Sure, they might ultimately be owned by the Australian people, but they’re valueless until someone digs them up, and the people who we really ought to be very grateful for are the people who turn commodities into valuable assets – and that’s the mining companies.
    Tony Abbott is wary of debates involving women.
    I’ve always been very wary of debates involving women.
    Source: Lateline – August 10, 2010
    Tony Abbott thinks that the NBN is just a ‘video entertainment system’
    Do we really want to invest $50 billion of hard earned taxpayers money in what is essentially a video entertainment system?
    Source: Tony Abbott at a press conference – December 20, 2010
    Tony Abbott praises Peter Slipper when he was appointed as Deputy Speaker
    I know that the member for Maranoa and the member for Fisher will serve as a fine complement to the member for Scullin in the chair. I believe that the parliament will be well served by the team which will occupy the chair in this chamber. I again congratulate you, Mr Speaker, on returning to the high office which you occupied in the last parliament. I congratulate the member for Fisher, who has been a friend of mine for a very long time who has served
    this parliament in many capacities with distinction…
    Source: Official Hansard – September 28, 2010
    Tony Abbott on poverty, March 15, 2010
    It’s the responsibility of government to try to put policies in place which over time will allow people to improve their situation. But we can’t abolish poverty because poverty in part is a function of individual behaviour.
    We can’t stop people drinking; we can’t stop people gambling; we can’t stop people having substance problems; we can’t stop people from making mistakes that cause them to be less well-off than they might otherwise be.

    • Great stuff, cornlegend. Looks like we’re going to need a page just for Tony quotes – but seriously, it would be wonderful for people to have somewhere to go to when they want to get all this info in one place.


  23. Hi Kate, you should be able to do it from the dashboard of the new site, or if it is under the same name as this one there should be a link to the new one when you put your cursor over your name at the top r h corner beside where it says new post, and there will also be a link to Manage my blogs.

    Cheers 😀

  24. hEY! WE’VE GOT It’s not the .com address I was hoping for, but at least we’re up and running – only in the most basic way to start with. I’m writing an ABOUT page right now, which can be re-jigged whenever. I hope to have the first post up before this time tomorrow so that people will have something to respond to. Special thanks to Truth Seeker.


  25. cornlegend permalink

    Its amazing how many people, when confronted by Dumb Tonys quotes, are shocked.
    I print them all out and hand them out all over the joint.
    Even Lib supporters can’t get over how stupid he is, when confronted by a heap of his idiotic quotes.

    • I love the quotes, cornlegend. We could put them in dinky little boxes for people to print off – like thefinnegans people do with their stats. Perhaps we could make you Minister for the Tony Page if your portolio in the Ministry of Morale is not too onerous for you.


  26. cornlegend permalink

    no worries,
    of to Perth for 2 days, check in then

  27. sulphurcrested permalink

    I think fairmediaalliance is a great name
    Well done Kate

    • Thanks, sulphurcrested. The whole thing’s been a bit nightmarish, but we’ve got a site anyway. We can always change the name if something better turns up in the next little while. So hopefully by the end of tomorrow we can be operating out of the new website. I’ve composed something for the About Page, but just a quickie, so all suggestions about what should be included in the About Page would be gratefully received. We won’t be able to go to the new site until I’ve got the first post up on it, so I’ve copied the draft of the About stuff here. I’ll put up a new post here so people will know where and when to go. Then we’ll need to plant our link wherever it might seem appropriate when we’re leaving comments on other sites. Thank heavens it’s Good Friday tomorrow – I should be able to make some headway!

      About Draft.
      Fair Media Alliance is a loose affiliation of individuals and sites which have come together to promote media accountability with particular reference to the traditional media in Australia. We aim to develop effective strategies to protest the current climate in which the Murdoch Press, ably supported by Fairfax and the ABC, are systematically lying to the Australian public, particularly with regard to the current Labor-led government, but in many other areas as well – lying shamelessly, misleading, ignoring important news which does not suit their agenda, and so on.

      Fair Media Alliance plans to use this site as a kind of clearing house for information, informed opinion and ideas. We will be running several pages on the site which will help interested people to contribute and to search for information, plan campaigns etc. You will be able to come here to explore links to other compatible individuals and groups; to seek support and to offer support; to be involved in any way and at any level you like; or just to read and keep yourself informed.

      Fair Media Alliance is new. Until last Saturday night, it did not exist. if you would like to see the story so far, you could go to But from now on, we will be conducting all our business from this new site.


      • Kate, the about page sounds pretty good 😀 and I am glad that I was able to help. 😎

        I have mentioned your endeavours in a couple of replies to comments on my new post, and have told them to watch the space as I will give them updates. 😀

        My new post is also on the MSM “MSM, the political satnav.” 😀 and so it was appropriate to mention a bit of what you are doing 😀

        I am glad that you went with Grisaille, as it was actually my pick of the six that I suggested, and it’s strange that the others weren’t supported, as I tried each of them on my site, and they all worked just fine, so I figure it was meant to be 😀
        look forward to seeing it up and running 😎

        Cheers 😀

      • You’re a brick, Truth Seeker. Could I prevail upon you one more time before I even take the time out to look at your new post? (Actually, I think looking at posts is something I used to do and will do again, as soon as we’re flying.) I’ve got a draft of the opening post. I hope you (and others) will tell me what’s wrong or just plain missing. This is what we’ll go with as our original post, so let’s get it as right as we can. By the way, you will have noticed that cornlegend is away for a couple of days, so we’ll have to proceed without his lovely input.

        Anyway, here’s the draft as it stands at bedtime…

        Welcome everybody to our new webpage which I now have the pleasure of declaring open (in a most elementary way) for business – the business of exposing and effectively opposing bias and misdirection in the media. (Offstage, sound of cheap champagne bottle breaking against the hull of flimsy new ship as she slides into the wide, wide ocean.)

        This time last week we didn’t exist. Now we do. Now we have a brand new, empty website waiting for us all to do our bit to get all those empty pages ticking over and all those links linking.

        So, welcome to everyone who has already registered their support and interest at whatever level. Some of you have taken me under your wings and guided me step by step to this point. You know who you are. May the guidance continue! Others have simply taken the trouble to wish us well. My heartfelt thanks to all of you. From now on I hope there’ll be no more ‘me’ – that ‘we’ can now proceed.

        I’ll be delighted, of course, to devote my free time to this project, but I’m visualising a future where I’ll be ‘making the tea and washing the dishes’ for this wonderful enterprise. I’m not ‘leadership material’ – anyone who knows me would tell you that! And anyway, we mightn’t need it. Let’s just see how things develop, and be prepared to adjust our stride if and when it becomes apparent that we need to.

        Meanwhile, I’ll continue to do whatever I can, and whatever seems necessary, with your support. Let’s do it.

        I realise that this intitial post has been a rara! sort of thing – not much in the way of meat and potatoes, especially for new visitors. Let me refer our new people to the old website that I resurrected in a desperate moment last Saturday night to get things started. ( And found the most extraordinary response – beyond my wildest dreams – the latest stats on the old site are telling me that no fewer than 481 visits were registered the day after – Sunday, 24 March.)

        Anyway, that’s where you’ll find ‘the story so far’. Follow the posts titled Media Accountability… The comments are the main thing.

        Once again, welcome and thanks,

        Kate Ahearne

        Meat and potatoes to follow.

        So everyone, here’s your chance to help me get the first post perfect. All suggestions gratefully received.

        Happy Good Friday,


  28. Kate, sounds great to me, and I do think you are underestimating your ability. 😎

    Happy to help if I can, and look forward to seeing the response, 😀 will set up the link on my site as soon as its ready.

    My new post is about comparing the MSM to an old and out of date satnav that keeps sending us down the wrong streets and in the wrong direction 😀 so I am still on topic 😯

    Cheers kate and keep up the great work 😀

    • Thanks, Truth Seeker. It’ll do, I think, if we don’t get any terrific suggestions in the meantime. I hate making mistakes, especially the elementary ones, but there’s no forward movement without them. In any case, if I make any significant changes, I’ll make a ‘comment’ here in the morning so that people can respond if they want to.

      I daresay you’re always ‘on topic’.

      The thing about this alliance is that when we’re here, together, we’re focussed on media accountability – preaching to the converted, aren’t I? But I do worry about this core issue being hijacked. I understand very well – too well, that there is a deep connection with what’s happening to the Labor-led minority government.

      But I truly believe (personally) that this issue is way bigger than that. That’s why I would love to see positive input from BOTH sides of politics – if we can get it. Is there any LNP supporter out there who is interested? Speaking for myself, you will be most welcome. This threat goes far wider and deeper than the atrocities of unfair media attention that have been so consistently visited on this government – the minority one that we actually voted for! It’ll happen to the LNP too, if they get in, every time they take a tentative step outside the permitted boundary.


      • Kate, Just a tip about some that might turn up to derail the threads.

        As blogmaster you do have control, and I allow most dissenting arguments through on my site, but you have to keep an eye on them, as there are many trolls that will seem perfectly fine and reasonable, but effectively disrupt the discussion, which is their intent.

        Those that I know from other blogs, I let them have their say, but if they go off topic, or start repeating the same things without backing their assertions up, which is a common problem with them, I will usually just tell them to stay on topic or when I’ve had enough of them I politely tell them that they’ve had a fair go and then ask them not to reply again on that thread.

        The implication being that further comments will be deleted. It usually works 😀

        sadly it’s great to allow them in the spirit of free speech, but there are many that will abuse the privilege. 😦

        Cheers 😀

      • Dear Truth Seeker and Tinfoilhat. Bedtime for me. Please forgive – I turn back into a human being, as if by magic, after a sleep. You’re both right.


  29. Tinfoilhatter permalink

    Just a couple of things in the draft if I may humbly suggest…

    Para 1 line 2 ‘business’ (?) I thought more along the lines of ‘information and support’ or similar. If you use business, put it in context – ‘The business of exposing bias and misdirection in the media’.

    Para 1 line 3 typo ‘Offstage’.

    Para 4 line 5 ‘unravel’ (!) Aaaaah no!! Unravel is what we all wish upon lying MSM and their lying about lying mates. This site will unfold or metamorphose or something, but hopefully not unravel.

    Para 4 line 6 typo ‘becomes’. If you want to be that fussy….

    Might be a good idea to cut and paste pieces of some comments straight into the new site to give an overview to visitors instead of asking people to go somewhere else straight up. I would like to be able at some stage to submit cartoons, pics etc. I would like to become more involved in some capacity and would be happy to be contacted via email.

    Congratulations on

    Go tough little ship made of patchwork bits! Making more waves in already treacherous seas!


    • Ain’t you lovely, tinfoilhatter? I’ve only read your comment through once before replying, but I will attend to everything you suggest, because you’re right. As you might imagine, the bit that’s worrying me is about the cut and paste. I get tired, and this is looking too hard. But tomorrow is another day. Bedtime for us old ladies now, but thanks again, you’ve hit the spot.

      As an afterthought, do you think it would be too lazy if I asked for a volunteer to fish out the sorts of remarks you’re thinking of? That would be a huge help. I desperately need to sleep now,


  30. Kate, just had a look at the new site, and if I could suggest a different background, as some of the words get lost in the pattern , and it might be a bit distracting from the main thrust of the site.

    Just a suggestion 😀

    Cheers 😀

    • Tinfoilhatter permalink

      Agree Truth Seeker. Plain and punchy . Let the text and embedded pictures speak for themselves.

      With the ocean and boat metaphor, a seascape / horizon style would be good – and wouldn’t detract.

    • Good morning Truth Seeker. Thanks for the advice about the background – I didn’t realise we had one! Us newbie techno wizards are on a very steep learning curve. Anyway, I’ll have a look at it and see if I can get rid of it.


  31. Tinfoilhatter permalink

    Don’t know if anyone has mentioned this but you can utilise ‘Survey Monkey’ to build free survey templates for email polling. Maybe do one on on perceptions of the media / feelings in relation to understanding of current events, what people want more information about, etc. You can make them very simple or quite complex.

    You could bulk email the surveys to subscribers from the site and ask people to forward to their networks. The surveys can be worded to be quite innocuous but very insightful – and fun. The site name would really add credibility to the surveys too. People hopefully will be inclined to have their say if they can get it done quickly and the questions are clear.

    This would build some numbers and insight into what the difference is when it comes to people’s perception of news through the mass media – and the actual news. Publishing the results on the site openly would allow discussion and guide the site on content too. Environment surveys, education, NBN – all in relation to constant dis/misinformation in the media.


    • Good morning, Tinfoilhatter,

      I’ve made the changes you have suggested to the draft of the first post. I made them on the version I pasted here, so you can check it before I put it up on the new site.

      Your idea about the surveys is wonderful, although a little daunting for the likes of me. I’ll see what I can find out about such mysteries as ‘Survey Monkey’ and ‘bulk email’ today. Meanwhile, if anyone has any specific ideas for our first survey, let’s have ’em!

      I like the way you’re thinking about how this idea might work, and what it might mean for our enterprise. Great stuff.


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